Working with third parties

Sometimes the University’s teaching or research is funded from sources other than the University contribution. Examples include collaboration with the private sector or research grants. In that case, special rules are apply as laid down in the Regulations on Knowledge Exploitation.

The Regulations on Knowledge Exploitation describe the correct way to acquire funding from third parties. They apply not only to research activities but also, for instance, to teaching and to services provided in the public arena. The Regulations specify how you should approach academic integrity and intellectual property if you collaborate with a third party. The Regulations also address the issues of payment and operating carefully when engaging in private activities.

These regulations are binding for all staff of Leiden University and LUMC, including those who have been granted the status of guest lecturer, staff hired on a contract basis, as well as students working at Leiden University or LUMC.

Leiden University

Regulations Working for third parties (ENG)
Instructie Werken voor derden (NL)


The Regulations on Knowledge Exploitation can be found on Zenya ('valorisatie van kennis').