Research funding

The number of grants is virtually endless, so it is important to aim for the ones that match your research aspirations. The Leiden University Research Support Portal makes it easy for academics and support staff to find information on research support. Whether you are at the start of your research, or at the very end: valuable information can be found for each phase. This could mean for example, tips for finding funding, ethical considerations in your research, data management and valorisation;

Leiden University academics

If you are a member of Leiden University and want to know more on research funding the first point of contact is your local grant adviser at your faculty/institute, who can guide you through funding opportunities, application processes and answer any questions you may have. 

Furthermore, members of Leiden University have access to the Research Funding Knowledge Base that is maintained by the Grant Development Office. Here you find news, events and  documents for Leiden University with regards to research funding. 

LUMC academics

If you are an academic connected to Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) contact the Directorate Research for research funding support.


The fastest access to funding from companies

Besides uncovering the complexities of grant schemes, Luris plays a large role in identifying companies that want to co-operate with academic researchers. Together with our Business Developers you will explore which partner(s) could be the ultimate match for your research goals. We want to be your guide.

We will take it further than just the initial process of the application. Acquiring funding means building partnerships. Would you like to explore the possibilities with us? Contact our Business Developers today.