Our team


Director and support staff - University chamber

  • Anouschka Versleijen Director +31-6-53746063 Send an email
  • Lisa Bogers Information Officer +31-71-527 2554 +31-6-48516870 Send an email
  • Joyce Boudewijns Assistant BioTech Booster TC 5 Send an email
  • Stéfan Ellenbroek Manager Biotech Booster TC 5 & LSH Entrepreneurship +31-6-10705608 Send an email
  • Hetty Meijer Management Assistant +31-71-527 2498 +31-6-81067746 Send an email

Director - LUMC chamber

  • Diederik Engbersen Director +31-6-46336338 Send an email
  • Lisa Bogers Manager IP & Licenses +31-71-5272554 +31-6-48516870 Send an email

Business Development - University team

  • Lorenzo Bombardelli Business Developer Send an email
  • Sara Cigna Sr. Business Developer +31-71-527 3837 Send an email
  • Serkan Esiner Business Developer Sustainable Energy +31-6 3931 4042 Send an email
  • Tim Stegwee Business Developer/Innovation Manager Quantum sciences +31-6-41320109 Send an email
  • Jessica Meijer Head of Innovation & Business Development +31-71-527 2543 +31-6-4144 6681 Send an email
  • Liesbeth Veugen Innovation Manager Life Science and Health +31-6-28894748 Send an email
  • Giuseppe Visimberga Sr. Business Developer +31-71-527 6217 +31-6-3875 8956 Send an email

Business Development - LUMC team

  • Aimée de Heij Team Leader and Sr. Legal Counsel +31-6-42873253 Send an email
  • Myriam Pahud de Mortanges Legal Counsel +31-6-41320093 Send an email
  • Willemijn Rensen Legal Counsel +31-6-42873425 Send an email
  • Sep Tunzi Senior Legal Counsel +31-71-527 2596 Send an email
  • Kevin van der Veer Contract Administrator +31-6-46342790 Send an email
  • Kim Grogan Legal Counsel +31-6-2865 2590 Send an email
  • Maartje van Lint Legal Counsel +31-6-23544874 Send an email
  • Renate Ridderhof Director of Legal Research Support +31-6-4545 3239 Send an email
  • Anne-Bregje Spoelder Senior Legal Counsel +31-6-14503150 Send an email
  • Marlou Scholtes Legal Counsel +31-6-21209882 Send an email
  • Kevin van der Veer Contract Administrator +31-6-46342790 Send an email

Research Project Management - Leiden University

  • Dennis Janssen Project leader Research Project Management Pool +31-71-527 7912 Send an email
  • Elka Smith Research Project Manager - Collaborative Projects +31-6-42869371 Send an email

Social Innovation

  • Marieke van Haaren Project Manager - Learning with the City +31-71-527 6544 Send an email
  • Rosa Jehee Liaisons Officer - Learning with the City +31-(6)-4230 6907 Send an email
  • Alexander Mouret Innovation Manager Artificial Intelligence +31-71-527 2507 +31-6-13771227 Send an email

Student Entrepreneurship

  • Bastiaan de Roo Director of Student Entrepreneurship +31-71-527 5571 +31-6-2295 4078 Send an email